Saturday, August 30, 2008

Lone Star or just shining early? Continue to shine.

One lone star: (No, not Texas) but a lone star shining. Always remember there are those lone stars in the evening sky just before dark. And if you feel like one of those lone stars, be patient, for it is not dark yet. When it is dark, those that are of the light will shine. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine bright as the firmament and those who turn others to righteousness shine like the stars forever and ever.
So, stay shining though you feel like a lone star, it isn’t dark yet.
When it gets dark man will see their need for light, they will ask you what is your hope, then, you can tell them of Jesus!
So, until then, stay shining, for soon you will be joined with a host of godly light through Jesus Christ. Amen.

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