Those Who Suffered
There have been a lot of people who suffered, to bring a message of hope through Jesus Christ.
Consider those who went before us, those who suffered. What they suffered, why they suffered and what happened after they suffered.
Can you think or name some of those who were before us?
Tonight I watched: The Hiding Place - story of the Ten Boom family.
I am writing this, not only to remind me of those who suffered for their faith and doing that which is righteous but to remind those who will read this.
There are many who went before me, suffered what they suffered to bring me a message of hope.
God uses suffering in many different ways. It was once said many times over: "The man God uses the most he hurts the most". So, we can also say the person God uses the most he hurts the most. Why is this? I look back at the cross , Jesus who suffered, just to bring me a hope of Love and Eternal Life that I may know God.
As I look throughout history of those whom God used mightily, they suffered in some form or another.
When a person has walked though the valley of suffering their testimony will be heard clear and having compassion for others in their suffering, encourage others. And those who testify of God's Love will be a light to encourage those who are suffering now and soon.
It is written : after a time of suffering then He will stablish, strengthen and settle you.
In another place: Brothers think it not strange the fiery trials which are to test you.
And speaking of Jesus: Though he were a son He learned obedience through the things he suffered.
There are many different sufferings and God uses every one of them to bring you and I to understanding, to know him, to know He works all things to the good for those who Love him and are called according to His purpose.
Suffering comes in all shapes and sizes,it comes from:
your bad choices
Other people's bad choices
When the enemy attacks
God's hand of chastening (he chastens everyone he receives)
-As a man's ways please the Lord he makes even his enemies at peace with him.
-The rod of the wicked will not touch the back of the righteous unless they put forth their hand into iniquity.
-The devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
-Rejoice when you have (divers) various temptations for it is the trying of your faith.
-The captain of your salvation was made perfect through suffering.
-All those who will live godly will suffer persecution.
Over every storm the sun always shines. We are reminded that God is in control and knows everything that is thrown against us.
Our weapons are not human made, our weapons are mighty in tearing down strongholds in and around us. Our weapons are mighty and given by God through Jesus Christ and by the training of the Spirit of God we learn how to use them that He may be glorified.
It is in the adversity we learn to seek wisdom. When you hammer a nail that is short and you hit your thumb or finger- you find a pair of pliers to hold the nail-- thus you use wisdom to accomplish the task you set out to do.
When we have adversity and we try it on our own, we fall short. But when we ask for wisdom from God and exercise what we understand that He teaches us, we mature in grace.
This is what Corrie's sister had learned in Ravensbruk. She exercised what she received from the scriptures applied by the Spirit of God and she became a light in a dark place.
Remember those who went before us that suffered. Let us ask for grace that we might attain grace from above and we are given ability to be light in dark places.
It is not easy in the dark places, for we would rather be in heaven away from all this hurt. But God has a purpose in every storm, although we do not know why or what. But as we follow Christ, even when the enemy whispers lies, we shall be showing that we are of the light and the light is in us and we are of the truth and we shall be free.
The day comes when we will be released from our Ravensbruk. Though scarred and broken we will be free for eternity, because of Christ Jesus and the hope he has given us to walk in Perfect Love forever.
Love KenC 12-31-08 2230hrs closing thoughts on 2008 looking foward to 2009------->>>> Pressing ON!
Bowling alley with Trinity Baptist, Benton,Ark.
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