Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunrises- silent reminders of encouragement

God spoke in the beginning "Let there be light"
He created the sunrise that gives light
This sunrise and sunshine is a very special silent reminder.
Jesus the Son gives light to those in the dark and so does the sunshine that reminds us of such mercy and love.
The sunrise reminds us that Jesus the Son rose from the dead.
That sunrise also tells us about God's character when God spoke he spoke his character into that sunrise for it rises FAITHFULLY every day.
That sunrise also reminds who are children of God to rise-n-shine, for the Sun/ Son rises every morning and shines his/ its light on those in the dark. So Rise-n-Shine FAITHFULLY as God created you to be!
As time goes by and the Lord willing I will share more,
I am KenC your host of Encouraged By His Creation


Unknown said...

Great blog! PTL!

TishT said...

Super Job! I'm proud of ya! Have a great day!