It may sound silly to ask such a question but, I heard an answer from the Lord today.
This morning I left the house for work, the Sun was shining in my back window, I made a couple of turns and it was shining in my front window and it was bright.
I remembered a thought I had sometime ago when I would watch people going east bound while I was going west and they had the early morning Sun in their eyes. The thought was: I wonder what God is trying to show them with the sun in their eyes?
Since everything was created for a purpose, here goes--
The Lord showed me that when the Sun is in my eyes I am reminded of Jesus the Son my Saviour the hope in my eyes (my HOPE so that I will press on). I am looking to see Jesus face to face one day to have the Son in my eyes forever.
The Sun shining in my back window reminded me that Jesus the Son was watching over me and guiding me with his light.This gives me comfort in light of the world situation right now.
I was told it was always darkest before the dawn.I have learned just before I go through something God gives me something to remind me about his Love and how he is in control.
When does a man drink? When he is thirsty. Sometimes God has to allow drought to make us call out to him, for he does not want to see anyone perish. Come to his fountain and drink.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Key on the nails- Silent Reminder?
Some years ago I remember a key rack with nails that the keys hung on. Recently I read a church marquee: The Key to Heaven was hanging on a nail.
This set me to thinking how God in his mercy allowed a man to think about putting his keys on the nails that one day we would be reminded that Jesus the Son of God- The Key to Heaven would be hanging on the nails at Calvary, a place where He gave his life to pay for all our bad choices that was not Perfect Love. Jesus is the Key to Perfect Love and Heaven. No man can get to Perfect Love except through Jesus Christ. We need a Key to get through the door.
So the next time you see a key hanging on a nail---- be reminded that Jesus Christ is the Key to Heaven that was hanging on the nails!
This set me to thinking how God in his mercy allowed a man to think about putting his keys on the nails that one day we would be reminded that Jesus the Son of God- The Key to Heaven would be hanging on the nails at Calvary, a place where He gave his life to pay for all our bad choices that was not Perfect Love. Jesus is the Key to Perfect Love and Heaven. No man can get to Perfect Love except through Jesus Christ. We need a Key to get through the door.
So the next time you see a key hanging on a nail---- be reminded that Jesus Christ is the Key to Heaven that was hanging on the nails!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Lone Star or just shining early? Continue to shine.
One lone star: (No, not Texas) but a lone star shining. Always remember there are those lone stars in the evening sky just before dark. And if you feel like one of those lone stars, be patient, for it is not dark yet. When it is dark, those that are of the light will shine. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine bright as the firmament and those who turn others to righteousness shine like the stars forever and ever.
So, stay shining though you feel like a lone star, it isn’t dark yet.
When it gets dark man will see their need for light, they will ask you what is your hope, then, you can tell them of Jesus!
So, until then, stay shining, for soon you will be joined with a host of godly light through Jesus Christ. Amen.
So, stay shining though you feel like a lone star, it isn’t dark yet.
When it gets dark man will see their need for light, they will ask you what is your hope, then, you can tell them of Jesus!
So, until then, stay shining, for soon you will be joined with a host of godly light through Jesus Christ. Amen.
As we mature into Adults
Adults: Practice what we learned all those seasons, times and years. And as we continue to mature we learn to be patient with those who are younger, even helping them to know the path home. Mature adults are instructors and mentors to the young. So it is with Mature Christians. If you are not maturing in Christ, those around you will not mature. If I don’t mature you don’t mature and if you don’t mature I don’t mature because we are interdependent on each other to grow in Christ and the knowledge of our Father in heaven.
As we mature God gives to us information through his word ,his Spirit that we may share with others. As we practice patience with those who are young in the faith we also get a taste of what God sees in each one of us.
As we mature God gives to us information through his word ,his Spirit that we may share with others. As we practice patience with those who are young in the faith we also get a taste of what God sees in each one of us.
Maturing as a youth and encouraged by God's wisdom
We all have been toddlers at on time or another. A toddler is in the learning to try stage. A toddler has a HOPE of walking perfectly (for it is engrafted in them) which gives them courage to keep trying until they master the first step.
We are new creations in Christ learning how to walk in the Spirit of God (Love). We stumble, we cry, yet in our hearts we hear our Father say," Come on you can do it, let’s try it again". Then we are running and again we scrap our knees. But we keep getting back up again because we have an Advocate interceding for us, he is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Rise up and walk in His Spirit, because you can.
Teenagers: young people learning to live and make decisions for maturity. As Christians we have a season when it seems to be confusing for we are maturing and we think we got the world by the tail. BUT, then we are hit with, we are growing up and yet still enjoy the comfort of home as young people. But we were never to stay young in this world but to grow and mature in knowledge and understanding as a person and as a child of the Most High God. For we wear his name by faith in Jesus Christ.
We are new creations in Christ learning how to walk in the Spirit of God (Love). We stumble, we cry, yet in our hearts we hear our Father say," Come on you can do it, let’s try it again". Then we are running and again we scrap our knees. But we keep getting back up again because we have an Advocate interceding for us, he is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Rise up and walk in His Spirit, because you can.
Teenagers: young people learning to live and make decisions for maturity. As Christians we have a season when it seems to be confusing for we are maturing and we think we got the world by the tail. BUT, then we are hit with, we are growing up and yet still enjoy the comfort of home as young people. But we were never to stay young in this world but to grow and mature in knowledge and understanding as a person and as a child of the Most High God. For we wear his name by faith in Jesus Christ.
I am a baby?
A Baby: Everything that has breath has been a baby at one time or another. A baby is small, needing help to survive. They are needy. They need food, love, cleaning, and attention. Through the baby’s needs, they learn. We are a needy people and through our needs we learn. And we are told of the One who can provide ALL our needs, He is our Heavenly Father. He will provide ALL our needs according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus. So, what is it that you need that you may know God? He has provided his Son Jesus for our salvation, our Redeemer, our Shepherd. This is LIFE Eternal- to know God and the one whom He sent Jesus Christ. To know God is to know Perfect Love- for God is LOVE. Now through Christ we see perfect Love at the cross, for no greater Love does one have than to lay his life down for another. As the baby’s needs are met they come to trust the hand that feeds them and in turn learn to love their parents. To know God and the one whom he sent this is eternal life. So, do you want to know God more? Eat what he feeds you. Learn to walk. Learn to make choices mature in Perfect Love just as your Father in heaven is Perfect Love. WWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I’m hungry/ cleaning.
Candles can and so can I
Candle in a dark room: The room is very dark, no light at all, can’t see. But, wait, what is that, a match is lit and ignites one little birthday candle and we can see where to walk. That is what light does for us. And that is what Jesus has done for all mankind. Flame on! Shine candle shine!
Even the space station can reflect light! Let us do also
Space station reflecting light: God gave man the ability to put a space station in the sky and to man that space station. What is neat, as that station is set up the solar panels reflects sunlight to show us where it is. But, if it doesn’t reflect the light it would look like the rest of space, black. It is the same with us, if we reflect the Sonlight we will be seen. But if not, you couldn’t tell us from the rest of the world.
But a passing vapor - Be encouraged and grow tall
Our life is like a vapor cloud, here today and gone tomorrow.
Yet, while the vapor clouds pass on through they reflect the sunlight. We are the same way; we shine the Light of Jesus for we are a reflection of God’s Love.
Tall clouds growing toward the sun: The clouds that grow up, up, up, to the heights are the ones that become the brightest - for they are closest to the sun. The same goes for us with Jesus the Son of God. But those that are the furthest are dark and mumbling and grumbling all the time.
Passing Through? What’s your choice: light or dark?
Yet, while the vapor clouds pass on through they reflect the sunlight. We are the same way; we shine the Light of Jesus for we are a reflection of God’s Love.
Tall clouds growing toward the sun: The clouds that grow up, up, up, to the heights are the ones that become the brightest - for they are closest to the sun. The same goes for us with Jesus the Son of God. But those that are the furthest are dark and mumbling and grumbling all the time.
Passing Through? What’s your choice: light or dark?
Light- I am amazed and Encouraged By His Creation
Recently I got to realize that light shows another characteristic of God.
I have been praying and asking God to help me to be gentle, because I'm a classic bull in the china shop.
But recently I was writing a note to someone and told them that light you can't touch it but it can touch you and it is gentle. God is gentle. God is the Father of lights. To me, I am amazed, at the characteristics God spoke into all creation and what is so amazing as his child I have his character in me through Christ! And each day I get to practice that I may mature. And what is most wonderful about this is I am a child of Perfect Love and just as my Father is Perfect I too with all who believe will be made perfect Love! We will be Perfect Light!
Light- God spoke his WORD and the light was created here on earth. Then, when God spoke,
It was what HE said that I am looking at! Am I seeing what God said? Had it not been for the light I truly could not see. isn't God so kind as top give us light?
I have been praying and asking God to help me to be gentle, because I'm a classic bull in the china shop.
But recently I was writing a note to someone and told them that light you can't touch it but it can touch you and it is gentle. God is gentle. God is the Father of lights. To me, I am amazed, at the characteristics God spoke into all creation and what is so amazing as his child I have his character in me through Christ! And each day I get to practice that I may mature. And what is most wonderful about this is I am a child of Perfect Love and just as my Father is Perfect I too with all who believe will be made perfect Love! We will be Perfect Light!
Light- God spoke his WORD and the light was created here on earth. Then, when God spoke,
It was what HE said that I am looking at! Am I seeing what God said? Had it not been for the light I truly could not see. isn't God so kind as top give us light?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Path of the Sun- Silent Reminders
The path of the sun is a silent reminder. The sun races throughout the day around the globe to remind us shine light and press on for the day of rest shall come to those whose work is done. The sun stays on its path as a man racing its course, faithfully doing what it was created to do. You are created for purpose. Run the race, shine the light that Jesus may be lifted up and draw many more to himself. And when the day is at end and your work on earth is done, you can say what Jesus said "It is finished". You will have done what you seen the Father do and that makes a Father have joy to see his children learn to be wise.
Now may God bless you and may He make HIS FACE to shine on yours.
Now may God bless you and may He make HIS FACE to shine on yours.
Silversmith and the Silver
Silver and the Silversmith: The Silversmith has a desire when he picks you up. It is to see his face shine in you. However, to get there takes heat, to bring up the dross, so that it can be removed. As he turns up the heat in your life, you see the bad attitudes (dross), now you can choose to keep them or see them removed, so that, you can be made ready and molded, a pure vessel ready for his purpose. He stops the fire process when he can see his face in you. It don’t feel good, but look at the end product. A vessel for His desire to glorify Christ His Son.
Lord, turn up the fire and burn the dross out, in Jesus name.
Remember:We are like an ugly lump of silver when the master picks us up and he already has a desire to see his face shine in you., He takes care in the fire and after the fire process is when he pours you into the mold he desires to make of you.
In the Bible: After a season of suffering then He will stablish,strengthen,and perfect you.
Are you feeling like silver? O Lord make of me a vessel for your desire and if need be turn up the fire that I may be pure and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Thank you again for Jesus. Love Ken.
Lord, turn up the fire and burn the dross out, in Jesus name.
Remember:We are like an ugly lump of silver when the master picks us up and he already has a desire to see his face shine in you., He takes care in the fire and after the fire process is when he pours you into the mold he desires to make of you.
In the Bible: After a season of suffering then He will stablish,strengthen,and perfect you.
Are you feeling like silver? O Lord make of me a vessel for your desire and if need be turn up the fire that I may be pure and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Thank you again for Jesus. Love Ken.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Light- It is how I see
God spoke "Let there be Light"
Without light I can't see. I can't see colors, you, scenery nothing. It is something we all take for granted. God in his mercy gave us light to see by. He even gave light to encourage us. He gave man the ability to make a glass to see light through, what we call a windowpane. God shines his light through that window--- can you see what he is saying? In this world we have joy and pain and God's light is always shining. God shines his light of Love through your window of joy and your window of pain. So, the next time it feels like all hell is breaking loose on you, look at your window and see what God is saying by the light he created and shines on you.
As you look around next time pay attention to the light shining and don't take it for granted, for God is shining light to show the way HE LOVES YOU.
Remember without LIGHT you can't see. That is why Jesus came For He is the Truth the Way the Light of Life.
Next time you wake up in the morning look at the window and SEE What God SAID " LET THERE BE LIGHT"! And say Thank you Lord for allowing me to SEE! Glory!
Without light I can't see. I can't see colors, you, scenery nothing. It is something we all take for granted. God in his mercy gave us light to see by. He even gave light to encourage us. He gave man the ability to make a glass to see light through, what we call a windowpane. God shines his light through that window--- can you see what he is saying? In this world we have joy and pain and God's light is always shining. God shines his light of Love through your window of joy and your window of pain. So, the next time it feels like all hell is breaking loose on you, look at your window and see what God is saying by the light he created and shines on you.
As you look around next time pay attention to the light shining and don't take it for granted, for God is shining light to show the way HE LOVES YOU.
Remember without LIGHT you can't see. That is why Jesus came For He is the Truth the Way the Light of Life.
Next time you wake up in the morning look at the window and SEE What God SAID " LET THERE BE LIGHT"! And say Thank you Lord for allowing me to SEE! Glory!
Two stars shining- twinkle twinkle
Two stars shining one very bright, one not so bright, yet they are doing the same job---
Shining LIGHT.
God made even the stars to rebuke us and encourage us. If I think some one else is not bright enough because I am so bright I am rebuked for they are also shining light as God created them to shine.
If I think that I am not bright enough then as I look at the not so bright star I am encouraged because I can see the not so bright star in the night sky too! So I continue to shine as God created me to shine- shining LIGHT! So twinkle twinkle little star God created who you are!
Shining LIGHT.
God made even the stars to rebuke us and encourage us. If I think some one else is not bright enough because I am so bright I am rebuked for they are also shining light as God created them to shine.
If I think that I am not bright enough then as I look at the not so bright star I am encouraged because I can see the not so bright star in the night sky too! So I continue to shine as God created me to shine- shining LIGHT! So twinkle twinkle little star God created who you are!
One lone star- ever feel like that?
One lone star, no not Texas, but a lone star shining, always remember there are those lone stars in the evening sky just before dark. And if you feel like one of those lone stars, be patient, for it is not dark yet. When it is dark, those that are of the light will shine! Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine bright as the firmament and those who turn others to righteousness shine like the stars forever and ever.
So, stay shining though you feel like a lone star, it isn't dark yet.
When it gets dark, man will see their need for light, they will ask you what is your hope, then, you can tell them Jesus!
So, until then, stay shining, for soon you will be joined with a host of godly light through Christ Jesus. Amen.
So, stay shining though you feel like a lone star, it isn't dark yet.
When it gets dark, man will see their need for light, they will ask you what is your hope, then, you can tell them Jesus!
So, until then, stay shining, for soon you will be joined with a host of godly light through Christ Jesus. Amen.
Storms?- even then there is hope
Storm clouds remind us that storms are always around us. But we are to take courage for we are also reminded that the SON is over the storm for the sun is over the storm clouds. Jesus the Son of God is over every adversity and God is in control!
Even in the storm LIGHT always shines through. You see light shines to remind us of God's Love.
And the dark of that storm also reminds us there is hope---- Jesus Saves!
Even in the storm LIGHT always shines through. You see light shines to remind us of God's Love.
And the dark of that storm also reminds us there is hope---- Jesus Saves!
Flowers- faded glory is not faded glory
Flowers that bloom and fade: they grow from one glory to another. From the bloom that is beautiful to the seed that is left behind to grow more. Our life is a lot like this; we are saved and we have great joy, then it seems our joy/ blossom fades. But, if we remain on the stalk- we shall not fear for the bloom has to fade, so that, the seeds will be formed. So we grow from glory-to-glory and strength-to-strength. Without the bloom no fruit, without the fruit no seeds, without the seeds--- no harvest.
Whether you are an early bloomer or late bloomer- bloom where you are planted and leave those seeds behind and watch what God does! Go Bloom!
Whether you are an early bloomer or late bloomer- bloom where you are planted and leave those seeds behind and watch what God does! Go Bloom!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Stars- Encouraged By His Creation
when do the stars shine the brightest?
Even in the darkest hour light shines through that all can see.
We are reminded of God's Love for each of us. He said in the beginning "Let there be light"
So we are encouraged by the light we see at night for we who believe know it will be dark in that day our Lord returns.
Even in the darkest hour light shines through that all can see.
We are reminded of God's Love for each of us. He said in the beginning "Let there be light"
So we are encouraged by the light we see at night for we who believe know it will be dark in that day our Lord returns.
Sunrises- silent reminders of encouragement
God spoke in the beginning "Let there be light"
He created the sunrise that gives light
This sunrise and sunshine is a very special silent reminder.
Jesus the Son gives light to those in the dark and so does the sunshine that reminds us of such mercy and love.
The sunrise reminds us that Jesus the Son rose from the dead.
That sunrise also tells us about God's character when God spoke he spoke his character into that sunrise for it rises FAITHFULLY every day.
He created the sunrise that gives light
This sunrise and sunshine is a very special silent reminder.
Jesus the Son gives light to those in the dark and so does the sunshine that reminds us of such mercy and love.
The sunrise reminds us that Jesus the Son rose from the dead.
That sunrise also tells us about God's character when God spoke he spoke his character into that sunrise for it rises FAITHFULLY every day.
That sunrise also reminds who are children of God to rise-n-shine, for the Sun/ Son rises every morning and shines his/ its light on those in the dark. So Rise-n-Shine FAITHFULLY as God created you to be!
As time goes by and the Lord willing I will share more,
I am KenC your host of Encouraged By His Creation
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