Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hastening the day of our Lord

 Are you sitting around waiting for the Lord to return?

 Are you just standing there gazing upward ? 

What has the Lord said to the disciples? Are you a disciple ? 

Then since the Lord does not change and what He told His disciples then will go for us now.

Are you seeking that the Lord be manifested / magnified in your life's being today? 

Let those who love the Lord say 'The Lord be magnified '.

When that which you desire , you purposefully seek to grasp hold , you are hastening the day of attaining.

 Since Christ does the work in you to do His good will, and you seek Him to know Him , to be formed in His image all the more that He may be exalted --- you seek that which is in the way of right thinking .

As a wise man of God, you seek to win souls , to give others LIGHT from your source of LIGHT, to encourage and comfort others from the same comfort and encouragement God has given you. 

This is in the way of hastening the day of the Lord that Jesus may be magnified/ manifested in you to those around you. The church is the BODY OF CHRIST ---- it is the manifested presence of CHRIST --- Jesus in skin for your generation. 

Love KenC ❤️ 😇 🔥 


KRC Ministry 


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Continue to learn in the classroom

 Our life here in earth is like a classroom. What we set our hearts on is the direction of travel we shall go. 

As I look back over a few previous posts , and what I am journaling now , Truths that still prevail Today. 

As you go through the class that the Lord has set up for you , are you seeking to learn each lesson. 

How you walk on a sidewalk , or on the stairs will determine your end result. That is if you put one foot in front of the other , watch where you step, notice the rise of the walk way you find safety in your destination. 

Here it is 2024 . The Lord has continued to train me , mold me, allowed me to see where I need to mature in His image. 

Look back over your journey, how does it look? 

Are you persevering in the Truth of God. Are you seeking to be all that God desires you to be in PERFECT LOVE? 

What is the classroom He has you in TODAY? 

More in the Lord in 20 - 24

And more of the Lord in me more than in 20-23

love KenC ❤️😇🔥


KRC Ministry

January 2, 2024

Friday, January 23, 2009

from jes' a man whom Jesus loves Merry Christmas

Here I am in Louisiana on Christmas day eve. My sister and her family here from California and me from Arkansas. Enjoying my family as we gather together as best we can. Got to see the others at various times.
Part of what prompted me to stop and write came from a show my neice was watching : Kung Fu Panda.
I have heard a part of this quote but tonight I heard and extra thought. Yesterday is History , Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift that is why it is called the PRESENT.
It's funny how God can take most anything and encourage me in a lesson. King Solomon learned a wise lesson from a lazy man and I think it's funny to learn something from a cartoon.
God has a sense of humor. I am learning to get chuckled every now and then and you know what? It feels good! Learn from it all and learn to chuckle, it's a PRESENT. With Love from KenC -8-)

Encouraged By His Creation: A thought about new

Encouraged By His Creation: A thought about NEW
First of all: I would like to say Happy New Year!!
While I sat having breakfast at IHOP this New Years Day, I had a thought about NEW I would like to share.A New Year/ New Day/ New Opportunities/ New Adversity/ New Hope/ New Mercy.Through man's eyes NEW has a hint of fear because it is unknown.Through Christ's eyes- Trust in God who is in control and sets up everyday a New classroom to learn and practice Perfect Love.We ALL have fallen short of Perfect Love. Christ Jesus came to save us from our bad choices. Choices that could and will leave us in a bad place--- without hope, without Love.We who believe in Jesus are made NEW creations. We have the Spirit of Perfect Love in us by faith in Jesus Christ.
Each NEW day we can make a choice to practice and exercise God's nature-- Perfect Love.
New?------ Fear or Hope? New---- Choice! Happy NEW year family of Perfect Love! Are you glad God made things NEW?1-1-9 1021hrs IHOP Chronicles Love KenC -8-))
First of all: I would like to say Happy New Year!!
While I sat having breakfast at IHOP this New Years Day, I had a thought about NEW I would like to share.A New Year/ New Day/ New Opportunities/ New Adversity/ New Hope/ New Mercy.Through man's eyes NEW has a hint of fear because it is unknown.Through Christ's eyes- Trust in God who is in control and sets up everyday a New classroom to learn and practice Perfect Love.We ALL have fallen short of Perfect Love. Christ Jesus came to save us from our bad choices. Choices that could and will leave us in a bad place--- without hope, without Love.We who believe in Jesus are made NEW creations. We have the Spirit of Perfect Love in us by faith in Jesus Christ.
Each NEW day we can make a choice to practice and exercise God's nature-- Perfect Love.
New?------ Fear or Hope? New---- Choice! Happy NEW year family of Perfect Love! Are you glad God made things NEW?1-1-9 1021hrs IHOP Chronicles Love KenC -8-))

Encouraged By HIs Creation: 24 hour clock

Recently I read this on a church post board------Rise-N-Shine in 2009
I liked it for it was right up my alley. But as I looked at that I seen something I got tickled over.
Have you considered a 24 hour clock? 2400 hours is Midnight---
We are entering 2009 that is 8:09 PM we are entering the night time. Here it is night, it is when the stars come out!!!!
We are waiting for what some would call the midnight cry. ( No I am not setting anytime when we go home)
It was just a thought that brought me amusement how God created something to challenge me and encourage me to SHINE! Yes it seems we are in a dark place (night coming on) and the world is being blinded by the enemy, even it seems that the enemy has stepped up his lieing to people. But our Lord told us to be lights in the dark. We are God's stars shining his light of Love to a world in the dark.
Remember Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise shine bright as the firmament and those who turn others to righteousness shine as the STARS forever and ever.When do the stars shine the brightest? It is in the darkest hour. Just before I wrote this I went through a moment that was hard. But God helped me and then I was writing this to you . When God gets ready to use me for something I go through a real tough moment/ storm, as I struggle to maintain focus , it is then I see the other side of the trial. Then after, he blesses me with some wonderful undestanding about himself that I may share with others.Are you having similiar moments?
How are the people of the world going to ask you what your hope is if you are not going through the same dark trials as they are?This is the time that God created so that we may exercise what our Father has taught us. So, don't fear be of good courage , encourage one another daily so that the deceitfulness of sin (unbelief) will not harden your heart. This past few weeks I have been in a place of wanting to run and hide but I had no place to hide so I ran back to my Father, It was as I see now a test for me to see where my heart is. What some call the dark night of the soul. Every Christian will have them, God has created Time and the classroom and my friend NOW is the Time to Rise-N-Shine in 2009
Love from KenC God said "Let There be LIGHT" when you see the light ------ YOU SEE WHAT GOD SAID! hahaha -Glory

Encouraged By His Creation: Those Who Suffered

Those Who Suffered
There have been a lot of people who suffered, to bring a message of hope through Jesus Christ.
Consider those who went before us, those who suffered. What they suffered, why they suffered and what happened after they suffered.
Can you think or name some of those who were before us?
Tonight I watched: The Hiding Place - story of the Ten Boom family.
I am writing this, not only to remind me of those who suffered for their faith and doing that which is righteous but to remind those who will read this.
There are many who went before me, suffered what they suffered to bring me a message of hope.
God uses suffering in many different ways. It was once said many times over: "The man God uses the most he hurts the most". So, we can also say the person God uses the most he hurts the most. Why is this? I look back at the cross , Jesus who suffered, just to bring me a hope of Love and Eternal Life that I may know God.
As I look throughout history of those whom God used mightily, they suffered in some form or another.
When a person has walked though the valley of suffering their testimony will be heard clear and having compassion for others in their suffering, encourage others. And those who testify of God's Love will be a light to encourage those who are suffering now and soon.
It is written : after a time of suffering then He will stablish, strengthen and settle you.
In another place: Brothers think it not strange the fiery trials which are to test you.
And speaking of Jesus: Though he were a son He learned obedience through the things he suffered.
There are many different sufferings and God uses every one of them to bring you and I to understanding, to know him, to know He works all things to the good for those who Love him and are called according to His purpose.
Suffering comes in all shapes and sizes,it comes from:
your bad choices
Other people's bad choices
When the enemy attacks
God's hand of chastening (he chastens everyone he receives)
-As a man's ways please the Lord he makes even his enemies at peace with him.
-The rod of the wicked will not touch the back of the righteous unless they put forth their hand into iniquity.
-The devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
-Rejoice when you have (divers) various temptations for it is the trying of your faith.
-The captain of your salvation was made perfect through suffering.
-All those who will live godly will suffer persecution.
Over every storm the sun always shines. We are reminded that God is in control and knows everything that is thrown against us.
Our weapons are not human made, our weapons are mighty in tearing down strongholds in and around us. Our weapons are mighty and given by God through Jesus Christ and by the training of the Spirit of God we learn how to use them that He may be glorified.
It is in the adversity we learn to seek wisdom. When you hammer a nail that is short and you hit your thumb or finger- you find a pair of pliers to hold the nail-- thus you use wisdom to accomplish the task you set out to do.
When we have adversity and we try it on our own, we fall short. But when we ask for wisdom from God and exercise what we understand that He teaches us, we mature in grace.
This is what Corrie's sister had learned in Ravensbruk. She exercised what she received from the scriptures applied by the Spirit of God and she became a light in a dark place.
Remember those who went before us that suffered. Let us ask for grace that we might attain grace from above and we are given ability to be light in dark places.
It is not easy in the dark places, for we would rather be in heaven away from all this hurt. But God has a purpose in every storm, although we do not know why or what. But as we follow Christ, even when the enemy whispers lies, we shall be showing that we are of the light and the light is in us and we are of the truth and we shall be free.
The day comes when we will be released from our Ravensbruk. Though scarred and broken we will be free for eternity, because of Christ Jesus and the hope he has given us to walk in Perfect Love forever.
Love KenC 12-31-08 2230hrs closing thoughts on 2008 looking foward to 2009------->>>> Pressing ON!
Bowling alley with Trinity Baptist, Benton,Ark.

Encouraged By His Creation: God's Wisdom

E.B.H.C. Moment
Encouraged By His Creation

There are many silent reminders. Even God himself placed a reminder in the sky (Genesis 9: 8- 17).
The rainbow as we call it. Then, it was called a bow in the cloud.
We are God’s creation and we are to encourage one another daily so that the deceitfulness of unbelief
will not harden our hearts. That is why this is called E.B.H.C. ---- Encouraged By His Creation

Encouraged By His Creation
Sunrises are silent reminders

Sunrises are silent reminders. There is a new one every morning reminding us of a new day. God’s mercies are new every day. It even reminds us of Jesus the Son of God who
rose from the dead- ‘The Son Rose’. A Sunrise reminds us that God is faithful, for He spoke and it was created. The word He spoke was his character He spoke faithfulness in to His creation. There is even a command in that sunrise: The sun rises early every morning to shine its light on those in dark. Are you sons of God? Go Rise-n- Shine faithfully as you were created to.
Encouraged By His Creation
Light is a silent reminder

Light is a silent reminder. Without light you don’t see color, nor beauty, nor scenery. Without light we stumble in the dark.
It is written: This is their condemnation- the light has come.
Jesus is the Light. Without him we stumble in our darkness, without hope. So as we see the light we also see what produces that light for our day: the sunshine. But, we also see the one who gives light to us it is Jesus the Son of God.
Encouraged By His Creation
Moon and Stars

Moon and Stars, God set this to rule over the night. They shine light. They are witness to us and others who see them. They encourage us to shine in the dark. The stars are interesting, some are bright and some not so bright but they are always faithful to do the same job- shine light!
Remember in Daniel 12:3- The wise shine bright as the firmament and those who turn others to righteousness shine like the stars forever and ever. When do the stars shine brightest? It is in the darkest hour. Go Shine! God is in control, even in the dark.
Encouraged By His Creation
The path of the sun

The path of the sun is a silent reminder. The sun races throughout the day around the globe to remind us shine light and press on for the day of rest shall come to those whose work is done. The sun stays on its path as a man racing its course, faithfully doing what it was created to do. You are created for purpose. Run the race, shine the light that Jesus may be lifted up and draw many more to himself.
Encouraged By His Creation

Sunsets: God’s masterpiece of creative art to encourage us just before dark, to have hope for a new day. There is a time appointed when the light on earth shall be gone and earth as we know is no more. It also tells us that the end of day man rests and no man works because it is dark. God seems to always encourage us just before the dark moment and sunsets are one of his ways to do that.
Encouraged By His Creation
Storm Clouds

Storm Clouds: Reminds us that storms are always around us. But we are to take courage for we are also reminded that the sun is over the storm. Jesus the Son of God is over every adversity, and God is in control. Even in the storms light always shines through. You see light shines to remind us of God’s Love. And Dark reminds us there is a hope – Jesus Saves!
Encouraged By His Creation
Vapor Clouds

Our life is like a Vapor Clouds, here today and gone tomorrow.
Yet, while the vapor clouds pass on through they reflect the sunlight. We are the same way; we shine the Light of Jesus for we are a reflection of God’s Love.
Tall clouds growing toward the sun: The clouds that grow up, up, up, to the heights are the ones that become the brightest – for they are closest to the sun. The same goes for us with Jesus the Son of God. But those that are the furthest are dark and mumbling and grumbling all the time.
Passing Through? What’s your choice: light or dark?
Encouraged By His Creation
A Tree

A Tree stands in all kinds of weather, all seasons. It grows one limb at a time sometimes fast, sometimes slow. We are like trees planted by the Living water. We weather all kinds of storms, all seasons. And we sway with the breeze, moved by the wind of God.
Encouraged By His Creation

Flowers that bloom and fade: they grow from one glory to another. From the bloom that is beautiful to the seed that is left behind to grow more. Our life is a lot like this; we are saved and we have great joy, then it seems our joy / blossom fades. But, if we remain on the stalk- we shall not fear for the bloom has to fade, so that, the seeds will be formed. So we grow glory-to-glory and strength-to-strength. Without the bloom no fruit, with out the fruit no seeds, without the seeds- no harvest. Whether you are an early bloomer or late bloomer – bloom and leave those seeds behind, and watch what God does!
Encouraged By His Creation
Space station
Space station reflecting light: God gave man the ability to put a space station in the sky and to man that space station. What is neat, as that station is set up the solar panels reflects sunlight to show us where it is. But, if it doesn’t reflect the light it would look like the rest of space, black. It is the same with us, if we reflect the Sonlight we will be seen. But if not, you couldn’t tell us from the rest of the world.
Encouraged By His Creation

The stars created for purpose. They show us that they are always shining in the darkest night. Jesus told us he would never leave us, yet, sometimes in our walk of faith it seems he has turned his face away from us and it seems very dark. We are taught the righteous walk by faith and as we walk by faith we are also to learn to shine light by faith. Believing that he is and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Seek him with all our heart and we shall find him. Those dark times are faith builders, building in us a desire to seek the Lord and to learn how to shine for his glory.
Encouraged By His Creation

Candle in a dark room: The room is very dark, no light at all, can’t see. But, wait, what is that, a match is lit and ignites one little birthday candle and we can see where to walk. That is what light does for us. And that is what Jesus has done for all mankind. Flame on! Shine candle shine!
Encouraged By His Creation
Light shining through a window pane

Light shining through a window pane: God gave man the ability to make windows and God spoke his word "let there be light" and he shined light through our window. Now we are reminded that God shines his Light of Love through our window of pain. In this world you will have tribulations/ trials/ tests, but, he told us he would never leave us nor forsake us, so long as I have light shining through my window pane/ window of pain I am reminded that God is encouraging me to press on though all Hell may seem to break against me.
Encouraged By His Creation
A Baby

A Baby: Everything that has breath has been a baby at one time or another. A baby is small, needing help to survive. They are needy. They need food, love, cleaning, and attention. Through the baby’s needs, they learn. We are a needy people and through our needs we learn. And we are told of the One who can provide ALL our needs, He is our Heavenly Father. He will provide ALL our needs according to his riches and glory through Christ Jesus. So, what is it that you need that you may know God? He has provided his Son Jesus for our salvation, our Redeemer, our Shepherd. This is LIFE Eternal- to know God and the one whom He sent Jesus Christ. To know God is to know Perfect Love- for God is LOVE. Now through Christ we see perfect Love at the cross, for no greater Love does one have than to lay his life down for another. As the baby’s needs are met they come to trust the hand that feeds them and in turn learn to love their parents. To know God and the one whom he sent this is eternal life. So, do you want to know God more? Eat what he feeds you. Learn to walk. Learn to make choices mature in Perfect Love just as your Father in heaven is Perfect Love. WWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! I’m hungry/ I need cleaning.
Encouraged By His Creation

We all have been toddlers at on time or another. A toddler is in the learning to try stage. A toddler has a HOPE of walking perfectly (for it is engrafted in them) which gives them courage to keep trying until they master the first step.
We are new creations in Christ learning how to walk in the Spirit of God (Love). We stumble, we cry, yet in our hearts we hear our Father say," Come on you can do it, let’s try it again". Then we are running and again we scrap our knees. But we keep getting back up again because we have an Advocate interceding for us, he is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
Rise up and walk in His Spirit, because you can.
Encouraged By His Creation

Teenagers: young people learning to live and make decisions for maturity. As Christians we have a season when it seems to be confusing for we are maturing and we think we got the world by the tail. BUT, then we are hit with, we are growing up and yet still enjoy the comfort of home as young people. But we were never to stay young in this world but to grow and mature in knowledge and understanding as a person and as a child of the Most High God. For we wear his name by faith in Jesus Christ.
Encouraged By His Creation
Adults: Practice what we learned all those seasons, times and years. And as we continue to mature we learn to be patient with those who are younger, even helping them to know the path home. Mature adults are instructors and mentors to the young. So it is with Mature Christians. If you are not maturing in Christ, those around you will not mature. If I don’t mature you don’t mature and if you don’t mature I don’t mature because we are interdependent on each other to grow in Christ and the knowledge of our Father in heaven.
Encouraged By His Creation
Gardener pruning the trees

Gardener pruning the trees: he removes or purges the dead limbs that more fruit is grown. We at times are pruned, things in our life are purged that we may see they are not needed and in turn the Fruit of the Spirit will be manifested and maturing.
It is in our weakness that we see our need (just as the Baby) and we cry out for understanding and God who is merciful and wise removes the deadness that hinders us. Purged / Pruned that we may bear more fruit to his glory and the namesake of Jesus our Saviour and Lord.
Encouraged By His Creation
Seasons and seasonal pictures

Seasons and seasonal pictures: There is a time for everything. We have seasons in our life and through each season there is an opportunity to grow and mature. Each one of us has been allotted a certain amount of suffering and joy. If you try to get around the suffering you will eventually have it and maybe all at one time. There are seasons in each person’s life. We have seasons of loneliness, marriage, births, growing up, marriage, empty nest, middle age, etc. You get the picture.
What season are you in? Do you see a need that needs provided? Shall we help each other weather the seasons?
Encouraged By His Creation
Ocean and the Beach

Ocean and the Beach: these truly go together to make a wonderful lesson of obedience and disobedience. God spoke his word and created the ocean and the beach, and by his command the ocean was not to go past the sand. It was given boundaries for to protect. We have been given boundaries for our protection yet we went past them in a fit of storm. Driven by the wind of sin we rose up and crossed the boundary, thus, eroding and destroying the beach that was peaceful and serene. Only the Word of God can reclaim that which was eroded away. Jesus is the Word of God, the Word of Love!
Enjoy the waves and the beauty in the peace; take shelter in God in the storm.
Encouraged By His Creation
Adverse brothers

Adverse brothers: Prov. 17:17 A friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity. Here is one of those moments to see our need. Without an adverse brother (sister, wife, husband) how would we see our need to learn LOVE and Forgiveness? Adversity helps us to see our need for wisdom and understanding. And here again we go to the One who can provide ALL that we need, the Lord.
In Ps. 127:1 ‘If the Lord doesn’t build the house the laborers labor in vain that build it’. When you see your need and you ask, God gives the grace, that, in your humble need you receive graciously and thankfully. Thus, the Lord has built the house!
Encouraged By His Creation
Fly in a car

Fly in a car traveling on the highway: (Long story short) the fly flew all around in the car while it was traveling forwards at 55mph. I seen it fly to the back of the car, it was flying backwards and forwards at the same time. Yet, while I noticed that, I also got to realize the windows being down and that as long as that fly stayed in the confines of that vehicle it had freedom to go wherever it pleased. But, just as it got out of those confines (out the window) it would be blown away. Then God used that fly to teach me and challenge me to stay in his confines where he placed me.
Encouraged By His Creation
Highways and maps

Highways and maps: Life is a journey and since we have never been this way before we need a map. God gave us a map and guides from the past to point us home. We use many different highways and we make many different choices to go, some choices get us lost, some lead to dead ends. But if we would follow the route set out for us, we will be on our journey toward home, as well as meet interesting people along the way.
Encouraged By His Creation
A sailboat

A sailboat: a vehicle that goes nowhere except propelled by wind. We are like that sailboat, for we are propelled by the Wind of God, by his Spirit. As long as we stay in the wind we are moved in the forward direction but when we try to go against the wind or across it we are tipped over. I don’t know much about sailing except what I’ve seen. But I know it is the (Ruwach: Hebrew for wind, spirit) Spirit of God that moves us.
Encouraged By His Creation

Valley: You must go through the valley to get to the mountain. Just as anyone trying to climb the corporate ladder or any mountain in life, one must start in the bottom. There is a song that says ‘you must go though the valley to get to the mountain of God’. To go up you must be removed from the pit.
If you humble yourself before God, He shall lift you up.
Encouraged By His Creation

Mountain: There are always those things which are higher and when we see the mountains which we did not create, we are reminded of God who is higher than we are.
We are also reminded as we are on the mountain, we shall go back into the valley to find and seek those which are lost. For we can see from above and the route to take and go into the valley with a sense of direction and with the heart of God beating in us that we may seek and help guide those to know Jesus on our way home.
Encouraged By His Creation
One lone star

One lone star: (No, not Texas) but a lone star shining. Always remember there are those lone stars in the evening sky just before dark. And if you feel like one of those lone stars, be patient, for it is not dark yet. When it is dark, those that are of the light will shine. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine bright as the firmament and those who turn others to righteousness shine like the stars forever and ever.
So, stay shining though you feel like a lone star, it isn’t dark yet.
When it gets dark man will see their need for light, they will ask you what is your hope, then, you can tell them of Jesus!
So, until then, stay shining, for soon you will be joined with a host of godly light through Jesus Christ. Amen.
Encouraged By His Creation
Children loving parents
Children loving parents:
Why do the children love their parents?
Could it be that the parents loved them first?
Things that make you go HUMMMM!
We love God, because, He loved us first.
Encouraged By His Creation
A Lamp

A Lamp: That lamp sets there taking up space seeming to be useless, just taking up space and collecting dust. But, what is needed is the power to make it useful. God is the power source. The Holy Spirit is the electric cord, but there is one thing missing. Someone to plug it up and turn it on. And that is where Jesus comes in, he did that for us at Calvary. Now, we can be a lamp, filled with the fulness of God and moved by his Holy Spirit by faith through Jesus Christ.
It pleased God for all his fulness to dwell in Christ Jesus. And by faith Christ Jesus lives in us. So, we can say- the fulness of God (the fulness of Perfect Love) abides in us through Christ Jesus by faith. Believing that he is and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Remember: Faith is the substance of those things hoped for. Are you hoping for the evidence of Perfect Love of God who is not seen?
Encouraged By His Creation
Silver and the Silversmith

Silver and the Silversmith: The silversmith has a desire when he picks you up. It is to see his face shine in you. However, to get there takes heat, to bring up the dross, so that, it can be removed. As he turns up the heat in your life, you see the bad attitudes (dross), now you can choose to keep them or see them removed, so that, you can be made ready and molded, a pure vessel ready for his purpose. He stops when he can see his face in you. It don’t feel good, but look at the end product.
Lord, turn up the fire and burn the dross out, in Jesus name.